The kit is now a formidable resourceThe latest supplement to Microsoft Windows NT Server Resource Kit is now in bookstores everywhere, although the package contains no books. Microsoft Windows NT Server Resource Kit Version 4.0, Supplement Two (hereafter Supplement Two), a two-CD-ROM set, expands on the information in the original resource kit and its first supplement.
Microsoft Press markets and sells the resource kit and the resource kit's supplements, and these products have a distinct advantage over their competitors because the information comes directly from Microsoft. Many other books on the market derive their information about NT from the resource kit.
Windows Nt Server 4.0 Resource Kit Supplement 1 Download
Resource Kit Tools Many users and network administrators purchase the resource kit for its extensive documentation and neglect its software. However, the resource kit and its supplements come with a large collection of useful applications, utilities, and other programs.
Resource Kit is a term used by Microsoft for a set of software resources and documentation released for their software products, but which is not part of that product. Resource kits offer supplementary resources such as technical guidance, compatibility and troubleshooting information, management, support, maintenance and deployment guides and multipurpose useful administrative utilities, which are available separately.
In the past, Microsoft used to release supplements for some Resource Kits which offered revised and new tools and resources. Microsoft released two supplements for the Windows NT 3.51 Server Resource Kit, four supplements for the Windows NT 4.0 Server Resource Kit and one supplement for the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit. Some of these utilities (such as robocopy and takeown) later shipped as part of Windows XP and Windows Vista. Others were included in later Resource Kits. Older Resource Kits are no longer available from Microsoft but can in most cases be ordered from booksellers.
An obsolete replication partner is a server that sends a TCP Reset packet or a server that doesn't answer. Remove the obsolete replication partners from the list of replication partners for your WINS server. If Windows 2000 WINS server clusters are involved, use only the virtual IP resource for each WINS server cluster as a replication partner. On all WINS servers, remove the Windows 2000 physical nodes from the replication partner list for Windows 2000 WINS server clusters.
The Microsoft Windows Resource kit is a set of supplementary tools for managing and deploying Microsoft Windows. The first Windows Resource kit was released in 1991 for Windows 3.0. Most, but not all, Windows versions after that had corresponding Resource Kits. These were often freely downloadable from Microsoft.
Reg.exeSimple usage: REG operation operation [ QUERY ADD UPDATE DELETE COPY SAVE BACKUP RESTORE LOAD UNLOAD ] For example: Reg add hkcu\software\testkey\testvalue=1 reg_dword \\testsr Reg can access the whole of the registry and uses the codes HKCU, HKLM, HKCR, HKU and HKCC to refer to the various hives in the registry. Reg is not case-sensitive. The Reg operations can be used with remote machines by adding the UNC name of the server to the end of the command line (see reg add /? for more help). Reg can be found on the Resource Kit supplements. It provides much of the functionality of the previous utilities in a series of commands that are much like the Net command. One of the advantages of using Reg is that the syntax remains the same throughout the tool. It will also back up and restore the registry and provide the options to load and unload parts of the registry on the fly. However, Reg can't search the registry as Regfind can, and it has had its problems and revisions. For example, there was a problem with it not recognizing UNC machine names over 13 characters long, as it counted the two \\s as part of the name. It is advisable to download the latest version from supplements at -public/reskit/nt40/i386 as reg_x86.exe.
To distribute registry changes that use Regini, you must make the program available to each target computer (assuming that you haven't installed the resource kits across your enterprise). You can use a batch file to map Regini's UNC path and then run the program. For example, if Regini resides on a network share named ResKit on a server named Tools1, you can create the following batch file: 2ff7e9595c