WhatsApp is not just about texting anymore, several new features like WhatsApp status, display pictures also matter a lot to the users. Just like Instagram stories, Facebook stories, putting up WhatsApp stories are also in trend. But what if you see a really funny video or a great picture on someone's WhatsApp status? Of course, you can take a screenshot of the image but what about a video? Let's dive into this feature today and see how can we download someone else's WhatsApp status on our smartphone.
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When we look at Download Speed Experience split by network type, in 4G Download Speed Experience our users on Mobitel saw the fastest average download speeds of 12.4 Mbps, while those on Dialog and Hutch saw scores of 10.1 Mbps and 6.7 Mbps, respectively. Meanwhile, Airtel led our 3G Download Speed Experience with a score of 5.1 Mbps, followed by Mobitel (4.4 Mbps), Dialog (3.5 Mbps) and Hutch (2.4 Mbps). 2ff7e9595c